Duckrabbit proudly presents ‘The Hinterlands’ residential photofilm storytelling (multimedia) Workshop 20th-25th May 2011

I could give you the back story. But I won’t. It’s interesting, but not nearly as exciting as the workshop.

This is what you need to know (taken from The Hinterlands Website🙂

Take the beautiful Devon Countryside, add some Mongolian Yurts, a handful of starry nights around a roaring campfire; then blend in five days of kick ass photofilm training with some of the best teachers in the business and you have the recipe for a workshop with soul.

Hey Wait! Don’t stop there.

Stir in some inspirational talks, evening screenings in the big barn, local scrumpy and delicious home cooked food, the opportunity to share your work and the achievement of producing your own photofilm, and you’ll get a taste for how The Hinterlands workshop is an adventure beyond the borders of photography.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Make it affordable.

Now the backstory:

Some time ago me, David White and fellow photographers  Rebecca Harley ( MM producer of the year in the Press Photographer’s Year 2010) and Mike Lusmore, wondered over a beer why there are no really bang on photo workshops in the UK.  One that we’d REALLY like to go on.  Sure there are plenty where you can hang out with a name for 3 days of off you go and get some nice shots (sometimes great, sometimes underwhelming) but there’s nothing on the calender in the UK that really stands out.

A few days later Rebecca and Mike came back with the concept of The Hinterlands and now BANG, its on.

We’re always humbled by the wonderful feedback we get for our workshops and we’re confident that this one will top the lot.  But its much more then a workshop, its for people who want to be part of a community of fellow photographers.

And just in case you were wondering what you might achieve; here’s a photofilm made on one of our 3-day Summer workshops.

And if you would like to see some feedback on our past training, go here, and here.

Author — duckrabbit

duckrabbit is a production company formed by radio producer/journalist Benjamin Chesterton and photographer David White. We specialize in digital storytelling.

Discussion (1 Comment)

  1. David White says:

    Will there be any awful disasters, kidnappings, murders or stonings happening during this workshop? An insurrection? Maybe a tiny revolution? Skirmish?
    If not, count me out. And setting fire to a yurt doesn’t count.

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